Monday, May 18, 2009


So this nice little 4.7 earthquake hit last night only 6 miles from the homestead. Of course fires located hundreds of miles away elicit phone calls from family members asking about my safety, but a quake within a 10K run.... nothing. It's the first quake to shake stuff up a little. I was actually at the beach walking, but I arrived home to find my dresser toppled over in the closet. I'm pretty sure that might have been a two fold thing. My guess Cleo freak'ed when the house started shaking and made a run for her "safe" place in the top of the closet, jumped so hard off the dresser that it went flying.

That is the only scenario that makes sense to me. Cleo, by the way, while physically ok is totally freaked. She has not made a single sound all night. She stays under the bed and her little heart races if I carry her anywhere in the house. Time to call the cat coach. No seriously I think she can help.