Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Come on people.

I actually started this as a comment to the post below....but really this deserves it's own space.

So I posted the rant below this morning and then for some odd reason, mainly my masochistic tendencies, I chose to read Oh look at how much closer to a socialist society we are becoming... stupid people. Provide those services..... people need them.... they will not take advantage of them. Hi folks the service exists it's called AAA. It does require a little planning on your part though which involves another little word we like so much in America, responsibility. Oh I'm on a roll this morning.. guess I should grab a cup of coffee before I point my browser elsewhere.

Happy days. Save some cyber bits and the vein in my forehead from bulging and bike to work today.

Gas Prices: Ha ha ha...suckers!

Just had a forty-something women stop-by my office asking if I know of anyone on the floor (I'm at ISI this morning) who comes in from Santa Clarita. I'm like I don't even know where that its...(HA!). She's looking for car pool partners. HMMM I wonder what she was doing when gas prices was not $3.20/gal.... oh that's right she was just footing the bill driving by herself....well isn't that special. Seriously people you had no trouble paying for it when it was $2.95/gal. I mean even in a 20 gal tank it's only another $5.00. Here's an idea stop drinking that crud you call coffee from *bucks everyday and you'll be able to afford to live 40 miles away from work and drive that commute that takes two way. I mean if I drove through four cities large enough to cause traffic trouble on the freeways I frequent some little voice might go off in my head that says... I wonder if there are any jobs in those cities. Maybe working closer to home would be good. Here's another crazy idea it's called a Bus. It hauls many people, like having lots of car pool partners oh oh oh and it's like having you own chauffeur and comes with your own entourage so that even you can feel like a hollywood star.

Friday, April 14, 2006

True friends: Trip for you = car for me

Some of you may remember I've been hoofing it since about October. Some girls might say I've been pawing it! Think D-O-G. Anyway, twice now I've sent out the email titled "Favor" with a plea for a car for the weekend. And twice now I've had four cars for the weekend. That's right folks four cars. Not to shabby aye. The only problem, not that I'm complaining, is that I only have a two car garage. ba-dum--bump.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Women: My little fire starter.

God bless Lindsay! Seriously. I got home last Wednesday night, from my hour commute in freezing temps, to the smell of something "off". I went to shower and then started cooking dinner. Lindsay came down stairs with that child like guilty look on her face ( Oh my! Mom and Dad how did you survive me?) She said something had "happened". I looked around and said well Cleo is ok and you look ok so it can't be that bad. What happened? She said I caught your grill on fire....there was this big fireball and I thought..I thought I was going to burn down your house. There is of course more but the high pitched tone and exaggerated tale is more than can be repeated here. After examining the grill and hearing the story again I came to the following conclusion. She started the grill correctly (I had taught her this before), she then grilled her turkey burger. No troubles thus far. She takes the burger inside and finds out it's not quite done yet. She is in a hurry.... so she blasts the grill heat and puts burger back on grill. Ring Ring...cell phone time.....yap....yap.... Oh smoke outside....lots of smoke coming out of the top...big cloud of smoke.... turkey burger in flame....SCREAM.....
Neighbors hearing scream, seeing smoke... FIRE... come to the rescue...
The Neighbors then proceed to douse my grill with the garden hose.

In the end no one was hurt, thank goodness! The house was never in danger.. it's made of stucco. My neighbors are happy they got to meet #26 from Deal No Deal. (I've never seen that dress on Deal or No Deal)

After figuring all this out I went out cured the grill with Olive Oil then fired it up and cooked....oh yes Turkey burger. Just another day in the Life of Coe.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Travel sites that are AWESOME!!!

My officemate has introduced me to some new travel search sites that rock. The first is called Side Step and the second is called Kayak. I like side steps interface. On the side they have a nice little slider bar to reduce your price point and it automatically reduces the search results. I mean this is the way things really should have always been but for some reason they are just now coming to be. It makes me smile. :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Micro$oft once again behind the times....

I woke up the other day to this little
link waiting for me in an IM chat session from the night before. It was friday evening which of course was officially Aprils Fool day, driven by UTC time. I'll let you guys figure out what's going on but just think Micro$oft's Vista is not yet released. Yet we see the features fully functional....what could this mean.