Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Micro$oft once again behind the times....

I woke up the other day to this little
link waiting for me in an IM chat session from the night before. It was friday evening which of course was officially Aprils Fool day, driven by UTC time. I'll let you guys figure out what's going on but just think Micro$oft's Vista is not yet released. Yet we see the features fully functional....what could this mean.


Blogger coeman said...

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9:39 AM  
Blogger coeman said...

Ok for those of you that do not get it. Bascially it's the audio feed from a recent demonstration of Micro$ofts new Vista operating system. The video part of the clip is someone going through the MAC OSX operating system pointing out all the features, already implemented and running for the last 2 years in OSX. Basically Micro$oft keeps delaying release of an operating system, because they just can not get it right, and yet the features they tout as "NEW" have been around forever...at least in Internet time. It's great to be a MAC user!

9:41 AM  

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