Surreal Life: Christmas with Marcus
So this is really a backblog but I'm too lazy to re-date it. Lindsay and I had a Christmas party last December that was tons of fun. We cooked up a storm and lots of Lindsay's friends came over. At 10:20 the party suddenly went A-List. Lindsay handed me the phone and said "Tell Marcus how to get here, I think I got him lost." So, I find out where this guy is and re-direct him to actually head toward the house instead of the opposite direction. Seriously, L-girl needs to learn where we live. Anyway, about ten minutes later in walks Marcus Allen, yeah that Marcus Allen. Well he's a lot bigger than he looks on TV. So Marcus hung out showing us some pictures of his "friends" and tried to find a date for the Rose Bowl. If you watched to Rose Bowl you'll notice he was alone on the sidelines, meaning his two tickets went to someone other than me. Thanks Marcus! Can I pour you another drink? Anyway Kelly summed up the evening well with a Christmas kiss for all. Why don't all Santas look like this?
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