Saturday, April 08, 2006

Women: My little fire starter.

God bless Lindsay! Seriously. I got home last Wednesday night, from my hour commute in freezing temps, to the smell of something "off". I went to shower and then started cooking dinner. Lindsay came down stairs with that child like guilty look on her face ( Oh my! Mom and Dad how did you survive me?) She said something had "happened". I looked around and said well Cleo is ok and you look ok so it can't be that bad. What happened? She said I caught your grill on fire....there was this big fireball and I thought..I thought I was going to burn down your house. There is of course more but the high pitched tone and exaggerated tale is more than can be repeated here. After examining the grill and hearing the story again I came to the following conclusion. She started the grill correctly (I had taught her this before), she then grilled her turkey burger. No troubles thus far. She takes the burger inside and finds out it's not quite done yet. She is in a hurry.... so she blasts the grill heat and puts burger back on grill. Ring Ring...cell phone time.....yap....yap.... Oh smoke outside....lots of smoke coming out of the top...big cloud of smoke.... turkey burger in flame....SCREAM.....
Neighbors hearing scream, seeing smoke... FIRE... come to the rescue...
The Neighbors then proceed to douse my grill with the garden hose.

In the end no one was hurt, thank goodness! The house was never in danger.. it's made of stucco. My neighbors are happy they got to meet #26 from Deal No Deal. (I've never seen that dress on Deal or No Deal)

After figuring all this out I went out cured the grill with Olive Oil then fired it up and cooked....oh yes Turkey burger. Just another day in the Life of Coe.


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