Saturday, February 11, 2006

Comics: Dead links and the $$ that motivates

Here's an idea let's provide content for free but only for a limited time. The motivation behind my current rant is that a link to a Calvin and Hobbes strip posted below is no longer available for free. If I sign up to be a "Member of My Comics Page" then I can access the strip. Well a lot of good that does me adding it to my blog. I'm wondering if this means I should do a websuck of all content needed to make my blog a pleasant reading experience...or if it means I should not be linking to other sites. I figured driving traffic to other places would be a "good" even maybe "noble" thing. But with disk space being so, well you know, "expensive" and bandwidth also being, you know , "expensive" I guess I'll just use my 2 Terabytes of diskspace from my home and my 750kbps upstream bandwidth to host my own blog data. My bank also uses this practice when I want to access my records of checks written. For some reason three-six months seemed like a good number to them for how far I should be able to search online. I mean really what tax year are you people using... don't even get me started on taxes... off to get another cup of .....maybe that will calm me down.

Coffee, Google and the ultimate sin.

As Beccaboo pointed out the other day for some reason google ads has decided they should advertize *bucks on my blog. Most of know how that might make me feel. Google no longer can make the claim that they "do no evil". Hey "Google ads" ever heard of parsing "content" when sucking down a site. What are your machine learning programmers doing over there. Sheeesh makes me want to study ML just to right this wrong in the universe. Oh well that just adds another 2-3 years to the PhD program.

Surreal Life: Christmas with Marcus

So this is really a backblog but I'm too lazy to re-date it. Lindsay and I had a Christmas party last December that was tons of fun. We cooked up a storm and lots of Lindsay's friends came over. At 10:20 the party suddenly went A-List. Lindsay handed me the phone and said "Tell Marcus how to get here, I think I got him lost." So, I find out where this guy is and re-direct him to actually head toward the house instead of the opposite direction. Seriously, L-girl needs to learn where we live. Anyway, about ten minutes later in walks Marcus Allen, yeah that Marcus Allen. Well he's a lot bigger than he looks on TV. So Marcus hung out showing us some pictures of his "friends" and tried to find a date for the Rose Bowl. If you watched to Rose Bowl you'll notice he was alone on the sidelines, meaning his two tickets went to someone other than me. Thanks Marcus! Can I pour you another drink? Anyway Kelly summed up the evening well with a Christmas kiss for all. Why don't all Santas look like this?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Comics: Had to pull myself off the floor

This morning started out as usual. Breakfast, read a little bit, sipping some coffee, then comic time. This mornings muse involves Wally from Dilbert. Here is the strip from this morning. Literally I spewed coffee all over the monitor screen and wall laughing so hard. It's ones like this that sneak up on you, where you find yourself sent from zero to OMG that freak'n funny stuff in 1.8 seconds, or shorter depending on how fast you move your eyes.